Hi guys we will see what needs to be done to do code upgrade on cisco ASR 1001-X Routers.
1. check your current OS , command to check that " show version" you see that from below output
it is running code 03.13.05.S
2. Go to cisco website under software downloads select you router in this case ASR 1001-X router
then select images marked as star by cisco it is basically image cisco recommends.
below is screenshot for reference.
3. Go through release notes to make sure there is no specific open caveats that matches features you have installed. From above screenshot you will see reference link to downloads release notes.
We need to make sure we also check rommon code for IOS XE code we are planning to upgrade.
run command "show platform: to check firmware version
As you can see from below command firmware version is 15.4(2r)s
For Example if we are planning to upgrade ASR 1001-X router to IOS XE code 17.3.2 we need to upgrade rommon to code 17.3(1r) as shown in below screenshot
4. once you decided on image for IOS XE and Rommon code check on free space in flash.
#dir flash:
from below output you can see that 24715264 bytes are available
![]() |
5. copy both images to flash
copy tftp://serverip/image bootflash:
6. verify /md5 checksum for images it should match value mentioned on cisco page.
# verify /md5 bootlash:image
it will execute command and display value which should match hash value displayed on cisco portal
7. First you to need if required upgrade Rommon code.
# upgrade rom-monitor image name .pkg all
8. #write memory
9. #reload
10. once router comes up run command show platform to verify Firmware version.
Next we will proceed with IOS XE Code Upgrade
11. Image we have already copied to bootflash , just change bootvariable
#boot system flash:asr1001x-universalk9.17.03.02.SPA.bin
12 #wr mem
13. #sh bootvar to check boot variable
14. #reload
15. #once reload is complete do sh version to check new version.